Severed Review: "The Truth"
By Aderyn

What is there to say about "The Truth" that hasn't already been said? The
spoilers were scant, the trailer non-existent, the preamble reverently
silent. A one-time occurrence to be sure, but one that befits the episode
that had it all.

Skull: Hey, wait a minute. Didn't you post to the list this week that you'd
actually seen "The Truth?"
Aderyn: Oh yeah, I've seen it. Those tapes from afar just keep on comin'.
I'm running out of shelf space. Neener.
Skull: You lucky wench. This will be the best review *ever*. You'll actually
know what you're talking about for once.
Aderyn: <gulp>...
Skull: Get on with it, woman.

The Truth, when it finally came was *good*. Scully did things with the
thing, and when she did The Thing with Thingy, people's things
everywhere rejoiced. There is very little else that can be said without
resorting to paraphrasing, recapping or soundbiting - which would be a
huge injustice to the greatest 45 minutes to ever air in television history.


Skull: What the flockin' hell was that all about?
Aderyn: Stuff that I saw on that tape? <quiver>
Skull: Could you be a little more specific?
Aderyn: Well it was something to do with Scully manoeuvering her little
mangoes, and Ma Scully in the al-yoo-mini-yum HotTub with Krycek's
ass. Yeah, that's it. The end. Bye bye now.
Skull: Honey, you've been so busy PHNARing at innocent folk this week
that you've completely lost the plot.
Aderyn: Huh?
Skull: Do you need me to sugarcoat it? YOU SUCK. Step aside, I'll show
you how it's done...

Severed Review: "The Truth"
By Skullhead

"The Truth", whose ambrosially unequivocal title indubitably intimated
both candour and veracity, was a nonpariel hiatus in an annal epoch
permeated with furor and perplexity. Eminently placating were the
consequential divulgements respecting and pertaining to the origination's
inorexably pivotal allegorical machination, but parsimoniously as
engaging were the panoramas envinced of Mulder's ass.

Aderyn: Well, I understood the last part.
Skull: What, you didn't get it?
Aderyn: It sounded like a Scully voiceover with a side order of LSD.
Skull: Good. That's what I was aiming for.
Aderyn: Do you even know what it means?
Skull: I did when I wrote it.
Aderyn: Oh, like the mytharc!
Skull: That's being pretty generous to Carter, don't you think?
Aderyn: Not if he was taking LSD.
Skull: Ah. Littlegreenmen in the sky with diseases...
Aderyn: A gold star goes to any list member besides loa who can name
that reference. Now, can you please step away from the thesaurus before
you continue reviewing?
Skull: Aw, no fair. All right. But only so you can comprehend the
true extent of my brilliance.
Aderyn: Oh, please. My pencil torch gives out more light.

In conclusion, "The Truth" was a magnum opus of

Aderyn: Uh-uh. No thesaurus.

a chef d'oeuvre of

Aderyn: <sigh> Give me that.
Skull: Aw, you're mean.

a magnificent showcase of

Aderyn: No dictionaries either.
Skull: You're *nasty*. And you've made me lose my train of thought.

so yeah the truth was duh... kewl


Aderyn: Okay, Skull? Please understand that I mean this in the nicest
possible way, but your suckage is so powerful that you would legally
qualify as a vacuum cleaner.
Skull: Well, that might come in handy for cleaning up the mess that is
your mind.
Aderyn: Bickering aside <cough*dumbass*cough>, we seem to
fundamentally agree about this episode. I think I picked up on the fact
that you liked it? Through the doggerel, I mean?
Skull: Well <cough*stoopidmoron*cough>, as much as I hate to admit it,
you may be right. "The Truth" was velly dood.
Aderyn: Right. So let's try this again, shall we?

Severed Review: "The Truth"
By Aderyn and Skullhead

"The Truth" rocked.
