News for the OBSSEsed -continued
Issue No. * The It's-So-Freaking-Good-It's-Timeless Edition

The following is my attempt, per your official request, to shed some light on a few of the disturbing events that occurred over the past few days. I have attempted to piece together a narrative from my field journal, but I find more questions than answers remain. I still retain hope that enough evidence will present itself at a later date so as to enable me to formulate a solidly scientific explanation. Until then, the spoon incident must remain unexplained.

OBSSE Abbey,
Thursday, June 22, 2000.
11:21 am.

After receiving a visit from certain of our Severed sibliren regarding the slow disappearance of teaspoons, coffee spoons, and sporks from the abbey, I find myself reluctantly torn from my corner of the wine cellar by our derang-, erm, revered leaders-pro-tem. I tried to point out the absence of coffee spoons would prevent anyone measuring out their life in this fashion, but was threatened with a variety of pointed sticks by Aderyn. Hastily, I agreed to see what I could do. (For the record, her demonstration of said implements on Skull had no effect on my decision.)

12:13 pm

Walking through the halls, not much is amiss at first glance. Footprints track wallpaper paste through the lounge, but a dejected clone, apparently forgotten in the rush to NeenerFest '00, is already wiping them up. The whole abbey has a desolate, abandoned air, and not even the far-off screams from the FF Tower help dispel the aura. A few dejected nuns sit drinking 'ritas and trying to bait each other with pairs of pantyhose. No spoons to be seen, so I'm now heading for the Kitchen. Seems like as good a place to start as any. Maybe they left some Pixy Stix.

4:37 pm

No Pixy Stix, no cheese, not even any lard. And no spoons. The Severeds are right, and I'm already noticing the effect of missing spoons on morale. I haven't walked through a puddle of schmoop all day, and the pool and hot tub are deserted. The only sibliren I've seen have been on guard duty, at weapons practice, or were moving furtively through the halls, as if bent on ditching their fellows. Time to take drastic measures.

Friday, June 23, 2000

1:12 am

An exhaustive search of the Cloisters turned up the following items:

• 23 videos of the Fox Britney Spears special, half of which are labeled "For you, Autumn"
• 1 case of Cheerwine hidden under the floorboards
• 17 pairs of handcuffs
• 134 pairs of 3 inch heels
• 7 tubes of body glitter
• 3 boxes of leather polish
• 79 deflated Krycek floaties with various puncture marks
• 67 boxes of Indigo Girls bootleg concerts
• 568 caches of weapons, some of which were almost completely unidentifiable except for the sharp bits
• 2 bags of hair rollers
• 1 picture of DD with 'Mrs. Fox Mulder' written all around the border
• 3 copies of 'Barney and the Teletubbies do Vegas'

Not to mention assorted tiaras, batons, and flasks containing suspicious looking fluids, but no spoons. [Confidential to M.B - I have those 'hot' items you'll be looking for, and for a price, will release them to you with no publicity. Call me. We'll do lunch.] I've had to postpone searching rest of abbey till morning, due to the usual nocturnal hazards.

10:11 am

Stepping over the usual puddles of morning green goo, I notice the latest evidence of the spoon shortage. Several nuns sport bandages and cut lips, and another weeps into the Froot Loops box. A fight has broken out over a knife with a concave handle. I grab a bagel and head out.

2:37 pm

Having finished my search of the public abbey halls, I am almost at the point of abandoning the spoons and retreating to my happy place in the wine cellar. Meanwhile, the lack continues to have unforeseen consequences on the rest of the abbey. I've never seen charades played that way before. And I'm still concerned about the long-term effects of leaving those newbies tied up like that, whether they're supposed to be practicing their Scully!Contortions or not.


Giving up on the abbey proper, I moved my search to the grounds and outbuildings. Having combed the gardens and firing range to no avail, I noticed a strange glow coming from under the garage door. Thinking the departing Festers had left the light on, I investigated. Upon opening the door, I was greeted with the sight of a six-foot high teacup in the shape of a giant ass, with a huge teaspoon nestled along its side. From its interior came a faint glow, accompanied by an almost musical rattling. Transfixed, I approached the cup in order to read the writing on the side, but was blinded by a sudden flash of white light. I remember a sweet, almost sugary taste, a sense of unusual comfort and warmth, and a weasel-like chittering. The next thing I knew, I was sitting on the floor of the garage. A glance at my watch proved nine minutes had passed, but I have no memory of what occurred during that time. Climbing to my feet, I was startled by a metallic clanking. Switching on the light revealed the floor to be covered with hundreds of spoons - teaspoons, measuring spoons, soup spoons, even the occasional ladle. Upon closer inspection, a small chip was found in the handle of every single one. I proceeded to gather the spoons and return them to their proper resting places. I can only speculate on what happened to the oversize teacup and spoon, let alone what purpose the whole affair served.

Besides, I was drunk.


We Missed Fest
sung to the tune of Be Our Guest

by Becky

We missed Fest
We missed Fest
But we're not bitter or depressed,
Just because we couldn't make it
Don't dare say we aren't obsessed.
Fest's passe'
It's out of date,
It's so nineteen ninety eight,
We'll miss Tammy's tapes
But we don't worry,
She'll send them later
What's the hurry?
We're unimpressed
With your Fest,
To that we can attest,
And we'll have more fun back at the abbey anywaaayyy!
We've got the severed girls,
And a boxer boy who twirls,
Who needs Fest!
Who needs Fest!
Who needs Fest!

We've got Scott, we've got Serin,
And like we said,
Skull and Aderyn,
We've got Squat here busy perving,
We're all fine, so just stop starin'
You can brag,
About your blender,
But hell, WE have the bartender,
And need we even mention,
We have all three of the Floyd-Finches!
We don't care
We don't care
That we're here
And you are there,
And we never really liked y'all anywaaaayyyy!
So you can safely bet that
We do not regret that
We missed Fest!
We missed Fest!
We missed Fest!

By Ataraxia

I've always felt a little self-conscious walking around the halls of the Abbey. I'm fairly new to the order and very shy and I was terrified that I would encounter one of the Elders as I learned my way around and wouldn't have a clue how to react. So, with the Elders (mostly) away, it seemed like a good time for me to take a relaxed stroll through the Abbey and get better oriented.

The Tour Begins

Armed with a 5-cell mag-light, a camera, a bottle of Evian, and the Scully Break-In Tool kit that I got for my last birthday, I entered the magnificent gates of the Abbey and proceeded through the too-quiet foyer. My gosh, it's like a maze from there on. I tried following those cute little size 7 high-heel outlines painted in various colors on the floor, but I never did figure out what all the colors meant. I did determine that the footprints that meandered all over the hallway lead to the wine cellar - my only real destination - and the drippy looking ones lead to the pool (more about that later).

Since I was fairly certain I could find the wine cellar later on, I decided to do some exploring first, and I stumbled onto something that not only made my whole trip worthwhile, but confirmed my suspicions that the Elders have been holding out on the rest of us, big-time.

The Discovery That Will Change My Life

After wandering down hall after hall and descending several winding staircases I came to a door that had both card-entry and conventional locks. It looked like such a challenge that I just had to open up my Break-In set right away and give it a try. Boy, it took almost every tool and gizmo in the set, but I got the door open. And here's a tip: that "foil gum wrapper over the magnetic strip on the card" trick from "Roland" - it doesn't work unless you're chewing Big Red. Anyway, when the door swung open, there it was, my Holy Grail, the Abbey Plastic Surgery Suite! Inside there are several mini-suites including the special multi-room Scully Suite, a whole wing really, where TBO has spent so many days recovering from the repairs she's required over the last seven years. Now you know why Scully still looks fabulous and Mulder is starting to look, well, a bit saggy really. Next door to the Scully Suite was the KirbyD Dimple Installation Suite. Did you ever imagine?

When I reached the Staff Lounge I met a few members of the Abbey Surgical Team who were so nice. They were still on a high after the fabulous job they'd done on TBO after that awful "Fight Club" battering. They were working under such tight time constraints, and I have to say, she looked flawless the next week. Since the Elders were away and Scully was on vacation and not likely to need them soon, the surgeons offered me a free make-over. What could I say, but Yes, Yes, Yes! I had a few days of vacation coming, and trust me, I had nothing to lose. So, here's the new me. What do you think? Can they do a Scully or what?

Now before you all get your underpants in a knot about how blasphemous this is, please look into your hearts and see if you could resist this temptation. Weren't we all made in Her own image in some fashion, and is it wrong to want to be more perfect? I rest my case.

Other Worthwhile Sites

While I was waiting for the swelling to go down, I had time to explore a few other sections of the Abbey (in addition to my daily raids on the kitchen and wine cellar).

The Pool

Not that pool, the other pool. The Elders' special pool. Did you realize that they had a special area where you can actually swim with the Flukeman and his family? There was a sign-up list posted at pool side and I couldn't believe the names I saw there. But have the Elders ever mentioned this? Nooooooo.

Well, I have to tell you that the Fluke family is also really nice after you get over that initial revulsion. You know that line where Mulder says the Flukeman has no reproductive organs? Believe me, when you see Flukie in his red Speedo, you'll know how wrong that was!

The Elders Quarters

Now most of us have bought into the "quiet, austere convent life" stuff that the Elders have spouted. Well, I stumbled onto the Elders' real quarters, and take a look at the Demure One's "cell". Now, I don't want this to sound envious or anything. I really think they deserve it all. Really.

I Meet an Elder

On my way out, I actually met an Elder, Br. Colin, who wasn't able to go to Fest. Maybe it was the confidence I got from my new look, but I didn't have any trouble getting up the courage to talk to him. Of course, since he thought the Abbey was deserted, he wasn't wearing his usual disguise. He even agreed to pose for a picture with me. Luckily my camera has an auto timer. Isn't this great? I've made a new friend!

Well, that's all for now. I still have a couple rolls of film to develop and there should be a few more pics to post. It may take awhile since I know I'll be pretty busy now with my new look and all. My husband is just going to flip!

I can't thank OBSSE enough for this wonderful change in my life. Beauty may only be skin deep, but, as my momma says, this is "better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick".

And Autumn, I promise never to tell what I found in your closet. Though I was very impressed with the support system you've got going for those new hooters. I had no idea Victoria's Secret could do that.

Time for me to fly away home.



I haven't had much time for fanfic this month, what with taking over the Abbey and all, but I do want to take a moment to mention one very special fic that everybody should read many, many times. Written by our very own Sister Exsanguinate, Fight the Frijoles is a touching, beautifully written story of angst, betrayal and Pokemon.


Sister Nova Sugarplanet Shows the Way

I believe that there are two things a true Scullyist can never have too many of: candles, and wacky names. I feel much closer to TBO knowing that her Star Wars name ( is Dansc Maann. And that her Rasta name ( is Topper Shosanna. And that her children's book name ( is Gidget Pizzabrains.

Sister Skull Philosophizes

I think that Scully chick is really kewl, cuz she moves her furniture around a lot. She used to have a really kewl couch in her living room, then she lost it and got a refrigerator instead, which was really kewl. Also her carpet is good for boinking on. Very kewl.

Multiplex Blowplanet Ruminates

I know we are not supposed to mention TETDNSIN for fear of the mighty trout, but I've been thinking lately while everyone has been gone to that FEST thing out in the woods, about that whole "pantyhose issue" and I've got a new (maybe not so new) SRE. See it doesn't matter about the pantyhose because by the time Jerse got through chewing through them she didn't need to take them off to finish the job, if you get my drift.... This is where my mind wanders when I have to get left out of that FEST thing. That's my SRE and I'm standing by it.

Sister Aderyn Expounds


The X-Files is owned by FOX - but we don't care about that. Lots of copyright infringement is intended.

The OBSSE has been taken over by a rogue group of Non!Festing badasses. We have shamelessly stolen the format and style of the News for the OBSSEsed to suit our purposes. We offer no apologies for this because we be bad. <quake>. We hope that you've enjoyed this takeover bid, because we're never doing it again - it's too much like hard work. Heh. ;-)

Thanks to all who contributed to this special edition. You made this.

Aderyn & Skull