News for the OBSSEsed -continued
Issue No. * The It's-So-Freaking-Good-It's-Timeless Edition

By Chris Carter
1013 Productions

Greetings all!

It seemed such a simple plan, devious in its inception and almost elegant in its execution. I was handed the reins of a multimillion dollar television franchise, and along with it the respect of my betters and the adulation of countless thronging hordes of nubile, fans, yes that's it. But I discovered rather quickly that I was not up to the task, as hard as that may be for you to believe. My scripts were weak, my direction was middling at best, and tongues began to wag (and not in the direction I like) that I was leaping headfirst like a lemming off a cliff onto credit for something that was not mine to take. What to do? What, indeed, to do?

Well, it was actually quite easy. Once fan interest attained fever pitch in the first season, I had a wealth of source material and advice at my disposal. You see, I read fanfic - no need to pay writers and really good stuff too! I read newsgroups and pulled bits and pieces of suggestions. I infiltrated fan groups, usually posing as a young girl of about 18, exuberant, enthusiastic, typically posting under the names "Emily" or "Sorin." I made contacts and, well, conquests as well.

Oh, people have been, frankly, harsh. People have muttered words such as "J. Michael Strazynski" and "freaking show bible" and such under their breath. And don't think for a moment that it hasn't hurt. I have very little time to do scientific research during my day! I have a fine silver coif to concern myself with, the maintenance of a public persona to concentrate on, purple prose to create and refine.

Imagine my surprise at discovering that not everyone was as enamored of the master-of-yuppie-morbidity act as I was. Imagine my shock at well-crafted episodes turned in by, well, you'd have to expect it out of Mister Ivy League New York My-Shit-Don't-Smell Duchovny, but by Gillian and Bill Davis to boot? I half expected Brendan Beiser to walk in the door with a stunning three-parter about spectral figures in the Australian outback and lunar phases. So what I thought I'd do, just for kicks, is give the real story behind some of the key points of the mytharc. Or rather...I desire to expound at length on the etiology and development of the mythological underpinnings, nay, the very sine qua non, of the show. (snerk - isn't that what you crazy Internet people say?)

The Black Oil
First appeared in "Piper Maru," right? See, here's a funny story. Frank had just bought a schweet little BMW Z3 roadster. The metallic blue, right? He thought I didn't catch him that time in the bathroom doing his "Bond, James Bond" in front of the mirror. He was wrong. His heretofore sad history with the ladies had finally started to look up between the babemobile and his new $250 haircut. So one day Frank drives onto the lot and takes up his usual space-and-the-handicapped-space-next-to-it, despite those spaces being roped off, because, of course, that building was being reroofed that day. The roofers parked the tar right next to Frank's car, and when he came out for lunch with Tawny Kitaen, the babemobile was covered with steaming globs of black muck. Tawny literally looked at him and walked away. I laughed so hard I farted. Two days later, I had the script for "Piper Maru" on my desk. Oh, he put up a big fuss about the coolness of the black-eye effect from "Die Hand de Whatever" and the creep-to-cost-of-effect factor, but I knew what it was all about. I threw in that part with Nic Lea on his hands and knees barfing up the oil at the end of "Apocrypha" because, well, he just looked hot doing it. Not for me, mind you. Oh no.

The Bees
This was "Herrenvolkswagenfahrfergnuven" or whatever the hell it was. At this point we knew that the movie was a reality and so I was starting to play the game of "visuals I would like to see." For some reason I kept coming (ahem) back to the idea of Scully's nude body covered with...something. First I was thinking about the black oil - sort of an instant catsuit, you know? But then Frank pointed out that you couldn't be covered in the stuff without it entering you and changing you, and besides, Frank had never been able to suppress that little twitch he got in his face when the oil came up. So rather than screw with the show's plot continuity (eyeroll) and more importantly, to avoid dealing with Mister Twitchy every freaking day, I started to envision Scully coated in other viscous liquids. Motor oil? Green, iridescent. But awfully runny at body temperature. This ain't cable and we weren't going NC-17, unfortunately, you know? I rewatched Ann-Margret's scene with the baked beans and soapsuds in "Tommy" about eighty million times, and finally after my hand was tired, I came up with...honey! Of course! We would need a plot device involving bees. We could always work out the specifics later.

The Corn
Also "Fahrferghardlymuven" or whatever. We knew with the bees, we'd need a plant of some kind. Just to give the impression that this was going somewhere, you know? The science folks tried to get us to use peas, for that little Gregor Mendel slant, but we settled on corn for one primary reason. Ever since Vince had signed on, a couple of us had taken to calling the little talented bastard "cornhole." You know, that Southern accent and all. We liked to make squealing piggy noises around him too. So one night between the blue martinis and cigars and strippers, we settled on corn. Hey, it's phallic too. Bo-nus.

Krycek's Arm
That actually came from a longstanding joke between David and myself. He said if I didn't stop masturbating so much, they were going to have to saw my arm off. We just switched it to the other arm so it wouldn't be such an obvious reference.

The Faceless Aliens
This was actually inspired by this terrifying recurrent dream I have, in which nameless, faceless men are approaching me, menacing me with flaming hot probes. I am at turns terrified by and enthralled by these men. I always wake up in a sweat. I figured it would make for good TV.

The Chips
Well, it's pretty obvious. My old surfing buddy Woody and I used to have a joke about how convenient it would be if our girlfriends had little homing devices planted in their necks so that when we were horny, we could just hit their remotes and get them right over. Lock and load, baby. Duh.

The Walk-Ins
Same thing. It was a code term we used for those skank chippies Woody and I took home that we never planned on seeing again, you know? Plus the idea of casting a 14, 15 year old who looked like she'd had some wear and tear and shooting her running across a field in the moonlight. Well, let's just say I enjoyed making that executive decision, huh?

What's that you say? How does it all tie together? Well the alien races colonized the planets and fought and battled and plotted and schemed and had kinky alien sex orgies and transgenic breeding and it was just a wild, crazy scene, you know? That much should be clear.


Chris Carter
1013 Productions

(Celebrity voice impersonated. No animals, aliens, humans, or legumes were harmed in the creation of this hoax.)


You all know that little optimistic Scott who dares not speak a negative word. Well, say goodbye to him and his little rosy-colored glasses. Cuz ScottyC is PISSY and ready to rant. I'm not talking pseudo-ranting like that pipsqueak CathyB is famous for (sorry, honey, but yours just don't have any bite)--I'm talking hardcore, take-no-prisoners RANTING. So be prepared.

First off, I want to give a HEARTFELT thank you to all of you Festgoers for leaving the list DEATHLY QUIET while you were gone. You'd have thought a RABID pack of wolverines had attacked the whole bunch of us! Well, listen here, I'm no fool (shaddup, Aderyn) and I see how it REALLY is -- you Festgoers DESERTED us all! Thanks to you we had to STRUGGLE to keep this list ALIVE. And I didn't buy ANY of your petty excuses like "I needed to pack" or "I was getting ready to board the plane" or "I couldn't type with all those crackers around." YOU COULDN'T JUST PICK UP THE KEYBOARD AND MAKE IT HAPPEN? Thanks, guys. I REALLY appreciate the fact that you FORGOT WE EXISTED.

And what's more, you left me to hang out with all of the OBSSE REJECTS! That NFF deserves to be SHOVED into a pantry with Tic-Tacs as her ONLY source of nutrition! GOOD GRIEF, THE WOMAN IS MAD!

Now I want to delve into this little something that you Festgoers would know nothing about. It's called Fest!Pain. And let me tell you, IT IS SLOWLY KILLING ME.

Unlike Man!Pain, it does not discriminate by gender. (I guess I get two for the price of one.) Symptoms include chronic chest pains and explosive behavior. It's caused by the EXCRUCIATING knowledge that over a hundred Scullyists are gathering this weekend - eating and prancing and just having a BALL of a time together...and what does yours truly get to do? STUDY STOICHIOMETRY. Fair trade-off. NOT. I can just picture the MOUNDS of food in Minnesota, complete with platters of QUALITY cheese. I don't even have American cheese in my refrigerator FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Just WHERE is the justice in that?! Of course, my misfortune will not be a given a SINGLE thought while you all are BUSY partying and scarfing down Scullyritas. THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION!!!

And given my, uh, sensitivity to this situation - could you all LAY OFF the Neeners just a bit? Neener THIS, Neener THAT. If any of you even TRY to get a Fest!Neener past me you will ALL be peeing through a catheter. Trust me, it will NOT be pretty. Oh, I'm already preparing myself for the ANNOYING barrage of "Hey! Wasn't that FUN at Fest when..." posts after everyone returns. Why don't you all pour MORE salt into my wound?! And please - for the love of GOD - I do NOT want to hear anything about LARD and its various uses! GOOD RIDDANCE, MAKE IT STOP!

Frankly, I can already predict what's going to happen at Fest. It's SO easy to foresee how SLEEP-INDUCINGLY boring it will be.

La.. is going to knock Rania unconscious with a swift blow of her mighty baton. Paula will flip over tables and send people flying with her perfected "Stop, drop and roll" technique. SpicedRum will consume Autumn's trout only to realize that, hey, it's not real. Six of those LARGE boxes of crackers will disappear and all eyes will turn toward Sassejenn. Autumn will dazzle crowds with the PRANCY dance routine that she's been working so tirelessly on (her closing triple-loop twirl is worth the price of admission alone). And, of course, meal time will commence with Nanchita's cry of "IS ANYONE PAYING ATTENTION?".

Gee, how fun all that sounds. Rest assured, I will find something more WORTHWHILE to do with my time. In other words...


<deep breath> While I'm here and rant-inclined, I would be remiss not to shout out some random RANTY thoughts. It is SO Mulder's baby. They've been BOINKING like rabbits since "all things." Anyone who thinks differently is IN DENIAL. Dearest Gillian, STAY AWAY FROM THE SCISSORS! My vote for scariest image on XF: the "drunk flapper" look Scully sported in SUZ. Hey, CC - loved Requiem. Take anything back and you won't be left with any of your manhood intact. Would it KILL FOX to let the show die with dignity instead of proposing the continuation of the series AFTER M&S have left? Avaricious twerps. Oh, and look carefully - it's M*e*mento Mori.

Hey, I do feel a little better now. Ranting can be very therapeutic. I'll now return to your lovable, always positive Brother Scott.

(Note: Everything contained in the above tirade is said completely in jest. I could never hope to reach the level of rantiness that the incomparable CathyB has attained.)

"Missing at FEST"

To the tune of "My Favorite Things"
By Skull

Autumn demurely examining cheeses
Loa and Bead giving Krycek's ass squeezes
Ev'ryone talking about Scully's chest
These are the things that I'm missing at FEST.

Paula stop, drop, rolling into a canyon
Lensie inflating her fav'rite companion
Sparky the wonder trout getting compressed
These are the things that I'm missing at FEST.

Jean prancing merrily into a river
Bryn singing filks that make Autumn's knees quiver
Mandy cavorting in feet that aren't dressed
These are the things that I'm missing at FEST.

When the list bites
When my mail stops
When I'm drunk as hell
I simply remember the people at FEST
And hope all their brains dispel.

'Chita and Beer squaring off over snackage
Ev'ryone opening our severed package
Rania providing updates on her breasts
These are the things that I'm missing at FEST.

La.. smashing heads in with her baton twirling
Kiss waxing 'shipper till people are hurling
Minions brown-nosing till Autumn's impressed
These are the things that I'm missing at FEST.

Spawnie and Barb plotting widespread corruption
Fi being clever without interruption
Ev'ryone hugging till airways congest
These are the things that I'm missing at FEST.

When I think of
All the neeners
That will soon be said
I simply remember the people at FEST
And hope they all come back dead!

By Kristin

So you thought you could just run off to FEST, leave us all here, and have your merry way. Well, I don't think so. See, there are spies EVERYWHERE. We know what you've been doing. We SAW it with our own eyes. We have PHOTOS. Where to begin...oh, yes...


There had been talk of cheese. BEHOLD THE POWER OF CHEESE, we were told. Gouda, Muenster, Mozzarella, Cheddar, Brie. It seems someone left the cheese in her suitcase, forgetting the air conditioning doesn't reach the back of the car. Someone got to fest with gooey cheese in their pants. Because of this, people were forced to eat off of one 2 ton log of Velveeta with a spoon. True, it melts smoother, but it ain't real cheese.

Also, we'd heard talk of crackers. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CRACKERS. But would you eat these crackers? You people scare me.


Here are the highlights of the talent show. Be afraid, be very afraid.

• The FF Sisters doing an Old Navy commercial- Flag Shirts just $5!
• Rania's Squirrel Juggling Act- Man, those suckers can fly!
• Mandy's "Brain Juice For All" poetry recitation

Brain Juice, Brain Juice
Brain Juice for all
Let's have some Brain Juice
And we'll have a ball!

• Crocheting with Bead - Knit one, purl two, knit one, purl two
• Reade Presents the Musicale "I've got leather, yes I do. I've got leather, how 'bout you?"
• Scooby giving birth (I'm sure Bryn was involved somehow)


The OBSSE was privileged to have so many knowledgeable members available for FEST 2000. Friday was filled with informative seminars that left everyone feeling as if they could join MENSA.

The most popular topics were:

• How to Post OFFLIST by Rania
• NO by Autumn
• The Music of John Tesh: His Mastery by La...Dee...Da...
• How to Rack Up Frequent Flyer Miles During 'Thon Season by AJ
• It's Just a Curb, not a Living Thing by Beer
• The "P" is Silent by Pteropod
• Straightening your Tiara by The Princess
• And lastly, THE FIGHTING

It seems that when you get a group of people together who claim to love each other, but have never met face to face, things can get a little hairy.

It all started at the first mixer. Sister Tammy P claimed that she could taunt a squirrel with a cheeto for 10 seconds without being bitten. She accomplished the task, but at the same time, Loa noticed that the squirrel only had one arm and thought of her beloved Krycek. She tried to wrench the cheeto from Tammy's hand, but tripped on her way over, knocking La...'s baton into the tub of lard nearby. It sent chunks of lard everywhere. Chaos ensued. The factions rose up against one another: FFs fighting Death Dwarves, Manuel and the Boys vs. the Elders, Minions vs. those Scary Minnesota Girls, the SPIs vs. the Bay Area OBSSE. The pixy sticks were flying and the tic tacs were zooming through the air like tiny bullets. Kirby had carved a tiny ax out of her PI and was waving around like Jack Nicholson in The Shining.

Autumn tried to get everyone's attention by standing on a chair and screaming, "A-Freaking-Hem!" but so few people were accustomed to actually hearing the word, not just reading it at chat, that nobody paid any attention. The next thing you knew, Autumn had joined in the fighting and was forcing someone's head into the 2-ton Velveeta log yelling, "I told you to mark your post MC!"

We had all of this on tape, and were going to put a Quick Time video here in the newsletter, but the tape self destructed. The remnants smelled faintly of Cheerwine, but we couldn't be sure.

Well, that's the report from FEST 2000. We'll see you at FEST 2001: The Invisible Fest!

The End


Taken from the June 22, 2000,
Brainerd Bee

Over one hundred members of an
obscure religious order will be
competing in this weekend's U.S
Olympic Trial's Deep Forest
Competition, held at a nearby
lake resort.

Members of the OBSSE order will
be competing in all events,
including the Mosquito, Chigger,
and Tick individual competitions,
in both Number and Size
categories, and the extremely
difficult multi-part competitions.

As usual, competition will be
stiff in the quadrathalon, which
requires mosquito, chigger,
horsefly, and tick bites to
be acquired as quickly as
possible. New this year is the
triathalon which requires
acquiring a tick, a chigger,
and a leech.

"These folks have some real
unusual training techniques,
and we know they'll be real
exciting to watch," said USOC
official Clem Heimstra. "We've
never seen anyone compete while
wearing tap shoes and twirling
a baton. And while they're free
to train for the triathalon while
holding a beer in one hand, they
won't be allowed to compete that
way. Ideally, we'd be holding
these trials in August, which is
the best month for world-record
caliber mosquito bites, but we
just couldn't wait that long."

Only the top two competitiors in
each category will go on to Sydney
Games this summer. The Deep
Forest Competition events are
the only Olympic events that will
be held in New Zealand.

By Ataraxia

By Skully

I am so sick of articles about people meeting Gillian Anderson. "Oooh, guess what, Gillian gave me a shoulder massage!" "Oooh, guess what, we went and saw 'all things' being filmed!" "Oooh, guess what, we got to beat Gillian to death in 'Fight Club'!" "Oooh, guess what, we got to see Gillian having an orgasm!"

Like I said. Sick of it.

I want to talk about Gillian and ME. That's right. ME. I have a very special relationship with the EI, one that very few people know about. And I'm going to tell you all about it today. Cuz I can. Neener.

Item 1: Gillian in Sydney

Gillian Anderson came to Australia a few years ago. Yes she did. She visited a Sydney shopping center and was mobbed by thousands of screaming fans. I was not one of those fans, because I live in Adelaide, which is not Sydney. Nevertheless, it was a very special and moving experience for me. To know that Gillian, my idol, the woman with the perfect hair who brings our saint to life and regularly gets into her pants, was a mere 900km away - being attacked by people of my own race - was positive bliss. <sigh> I'll never forget that day. It's permanently imprinted on my shou...uh, memory.

Item 2: Skull in Vancouver

Since Gillian was caring enough to visit my country, I of course returned the favor and visited hers. Last year I went on a concert tour of North America with my choir. Our first stop was Vancouver. The people I stayed with were, sadly, not X-Files fans - when I asked one of them if Gillian Anderson still lived in the area, he replied "Who?" As far as sightseeing went, I was not taken to the former X-Files set but to some marina. <sniff> Who needs whales when Gillian is near?

I tried my best to look Scullylike that day. I walked tall, wore black, spent a long time trying to achieve right-hairedness, and did my absolute best to look ten years older. I secretly hoped that I would be approached for autographs. Instead, I was approached by another choir member, who informed me that Gillian lived around the corner from her host family. And that she'd walked past Gillian's house. And that Gillian and Piper had been out the front, getting into a limousine. And that she had talked to Gillian!

Once I'd gotten past the irony, I realised that I'd had yet another close encounter with the EI. Not only was I in the same city as she, not only was I breathing the same smog as she, not only was I catching pneumonia via the same rain as she, but I was in the same choir with a girl who had chatted with her! How many people could claim a relationship such as that? <prance>

So do you all see? Gillian and I are like sisters. So enough already with the neenering. I am the queen of you all. Nyah.

P.S. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Gillian came to dinner once.


<sob> I don't want to talk about it. He promised he'd respect me in the morning. <wail>