Skull, you'd better post soon

My TV pleaded, and my TV cried
For me to get cable, and not be so season seven deprived --
"Your alternatives are emigration, or finding a life.
Just stop subjecting me to this petty strife."

As I said, "It's time to launch Operation Severed Mull.
My TV's talking to me, waiting to attack
And rabid nuns are looking for a late-night snack,
So Skull, co-founder dear -- LAUNCH 'OSM'"

Skull adjusted the wimple that covered her head.
"I may or may not post," she said.
"I'm a nun who is deeply dissatisfied.
I'll let you know when I decide."

I said, "Skull, you'd better post *something* soon.
We've just founded a sub-group -- we've got to deliver,
Or else we'll just be something over which the Abbey sniggers.
So Skull, you'd better post *something* soon."

She said, "alright, as a fellow sufferer of this terrible fate
I'll gladly contribute to those who'll appreciate -
A filk, an OT lament, a probing deconstruction from Severed Mull
Everything and more that you've come to expect from The Skull."

"And fear not for there'll be plenty to do after the new season arrives.
What about Hot Tub *convos* with Krycek floaties or those cute PI's?
Take it easy Aderyn, we don't even have to stress about the CHarc,
We'll just drink our 'ritas and watch as sibliren snark."

And I said, "Well get on with it already you co-founding wench!
I'm hearing voices and posting way too much OT stuff,
Crank up your filking juices, and write us all a piece of fluff.
So Skull, I mean it, you'd better post soon."

"I'm working on it," she said, as she relaxed in the Hot Tub.
"But first we need some more deprived sibliren to sub'
It's easy -- all they have to do is mail
And leave a 'let me in' message for us to ponder on."